Meaning of dredged
Meaning of dredged

Natural slope angles of fill after hydraulic placement are usually (very) gentle. Should the site be located in a seismic active region, it may also be required to analyse the response of the bunds to earthquake loading. If required, more complicated finite element analyses should be done. These analyses may include critical slip circle calculations, the verification of the bearing capacity and horizontal equilibrium. Stability analyses have to be undertaken to investigate the integrity of the bunds during the filling operations. to compartmentalise the reclamation area and.Sometimes bunds are required for operational reasons: control the flow of the discharge water in the fill area.control the water table within the reclamation area and.

meaning of dredged

improve stability of fill placed on soft existing subsoil.control the slope angle of the edge of the reclamation area.contain the fill and, sometimes, the suspended solids within the footprint of the reclamation area or settling pond.

Meaning of dredged